Supplier: BPS Bioscience
Cat no.: 78083
Amount: 96 reactions
Applications: Study enzyme kinetics and screen small molecular inhibitors in high throughput (HTS) applications
Storage/Stability: This assay kit will perform optimally for up to 6 months from date of receipt when the materials are stored as directed. Avoid freeze/thaw cycles.
Supplied As: The Transmembrane protease, serine 2 (TMPRSS2) Fluorogenic Assay Kit is provided in a 96-well format with purified TMPRSS2, TMPRSS2 Fluorogenic Substrate, and TMPRSS2 assay buffer for 96 reactions.
The TMPRSS2 Fluorogenic Assay is a homogeneous assay that takes advantage of a specific fluorogenic substrate which emits fluorescence upon cleavage by the protease. Only one step is required to assess TMPRSS2 activity: TMPRSS2 protease is incubated with the fluorogenic substrate and fluorescence is measured using a plate reader (λex = 383 nm, λem = 455 nm). Camostat, a known TMPRSS2 inhibitor, is supplied as a protease inhibitor control.
Product information: TMPRSS2 Fluorogenic Assay Kit (
Vendor | BPS Bioscience |
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