3CL Protease, Untagged (SARS-CoV-2) Assay Kit
Supplier: BPS Bioscience
Cat no.: 78042-1
Amount: 96 reactions
Stability: At least one year from date of receipt when stored as directed.
Storage: -80°C (Avoid multiple freeze/ thaw cycles)
Supplied As: The kit comes in a convenient 96-well format or 384-well format, with purified untagged 3CL Protease, fluorogenic substrate, and 3CL Protease assay buffer for 100 or 384 enzyme reactions. 3CL inhibitor GC376 is also included as a positive control.
The Untagged 3CL Protease Assay Kit is designed to measure 3CL Protease activity for screening and profiling applications, in a homogeneous assay with no time-consuming washing steps. The kit comes in a convenient 96-well format, with purified untagged 3CL Protease (BPS Bioscience, #100823), fluorogenic substrate, and 3CL Protease assay buffer for 100 enzyme reactions. 3CL inhibitor GC376 is also included as a control.
The 3CL Protease Substrate is an internally quenched 14-mer fluorogenic (FRET) peptide (DABCYL-KTSAVLQSGFRKME-EDANS). When the donor (EDANS) and acceptor (DABCYL) fluorophores are in close proximity, the energy emitted from EDANS is quenched by DABCYL (intact substrate). Upon proteolysis by 3CL, the peptide substrate is cleaved between glutamine and serine by the 3CL protease to generate the highly fluorescent peptide fragment (SGFRKME-EDANS). The fluorescence intensity increases proportionally to the activity of 3CL. More information on the substrate, including MW and structure, can be found on our website.
Product information: 3CL Protease, Untagged (SARS-CoV-2) Assay Kit (bpsbioscience.com)
Vendor | BPS Bioscience |
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